Sunday, December 5, 2010

Counted Blessings

Another lazy Sunday. Another snow emergency! This time, I think I may have escaped the ruthless tow trucks and the crazed traffic control personnel. I'm watching Mad Men and doing laundry.

Things I like today:
-Having never waited to use the washer/dryer in over 3 months
-Bucket loads of snow and the clean smell of the imminent winter months
-Baguettes and gorgonzola cheese
-My cozy little European apartment
-Realizing that I've avoided getting drastically sick since the weather's gotten colder
-Meeting the nuns that live in my building

Christmas is coming! I need to get cracking. I suppose I shall start thinking of gifts to give my wonderful family and friends. I loving giving. I hate receiving presents because I always feel like I don't deserve them. My joy is definitely in giving, yes.

I think I heard the washer buzz. I'll catch you later!

1 comment:

  1. Cool blog! I think that you deserve presents, you a-hole! Anyway, I would love to visit your apt. soon!

    Nun nun!
